Full of Merit
University backed music grades for these two champs. Jack for debut grade drums and Talia for debut grade keyboards. I know...I do...

Gigajam New Prices
It's spring and we're changing our pricing We're going to be changing our subscription and membership pricing for new customers this...

A Man of Distinction
Great way to finsih a day handing out 2 distinctions from the University of West London and London College of Music to this fine young...

Music Grade Success!
It is great when the postman arrives with these for my students. So today I have a desk of joy for my students taking their drum lessons...

Music Grades for 2016
Great starting the new year with a whole host of succesful musicians receiving recognition for their hard work. Harriet is a star and...

Case Study: Gigajam in Action in Luton
The Mix Luton is the Music Education Hub for Luton, led by Luton Music Service. It is a group of schools and music organisations who are...